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Columbian Monkshood (Aconitum columbianum) is a forb that is native to Western United States and Canada. It can grow in fine, medium, or coarse soil but requires a moist environment and can be found in wetland, wet meadow, and riparian areas. It spreads by seed only, and is tolerant of some shade.

Life Cycle: Perennial

Bloom Color: Blue

Bloom Time: Early Summer

USDA PLANTS Database Link

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Lodgepole Pine (pinus contorta var. latifolia) is also sometimes known as Jack, Western Scrub, or Beach Pine. It can be found in North-Western states including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota and up through Canada and Alaska. It is an early successional plant in all habitat types except for very dry places. It grows thin and narrow with a short crown, and its bark is thick, black, and rectangular. Fun fact, Lodgepole Pine is the most common pine found in Eastern Latah County!

Height: 100 to 150"

Needles: 1-3", bundles of 2, twisted

Cones: 1-3", sharp-spined tip, tan to pale red-brown

USDA PLANTS Database Link

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Spalding's Catchfly (Silene spaldingii), also known as Spalding's Silene, is currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. It is a native, perennial forb that is primarily found on Palouse Prairies and their adjacent areas in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. It is in decline for many reasons including agricultural and urban development, grazing and trampling, herbicide treatment, and competition from non-native plants. Its stem is woolly and viscid (sticky or greasy). Its leaves are opposite, oblanceolate below and lanceolate above. Leaves are 6-7 cm long and sessile (attached directly to the stem).

Height: 8" to 24"

Solar Exposure: Part-shade to full-sun

Bloom Color: Pale-white flowers have a tubular calyx

Bloom Time: Mid-July through August

USDA PLANTS Database Link

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